Record Like a Pro.
What you get.
- Record drums to your favourite song. (1 or 2 songs depending on accuracy)
- Use A professional Recording Industry drum set.*
- Be mentored and coached by Pete Barter.
- Have a piece of your music DNA recorded to the cloud for a lifetime of plays
- Photos ( and some video ) of the process
- ( full multi-cam film clip edit available ) Additional charge
- Have a CD cover “Simulation” designed. ( not creating an actual CD as that’s old fashioned ( the cloud is where it’s at)
- Your work will be proudly shared via Pete the Drum Teacher’s Social Pages.
Priced at only $177. ( plus GST ) Payment plans available 🙂
Outside of school hours, recording times will be scheduled to suit your availability.

This is a clip of something similar to what we’ll produce ( but your song of corse )
[powr-order-form id=3cf078d3_1538376580922]